Myopic Red,
German Red Alt
To be myopic is to struggle to see distant objects because of objects right in front of us. This is inspired by our local culture, passion, and attachment to our home town University & Sports teams in Columbus. Often making us unable to see blue & yellow together clearly. This 'nutty' Red old school Ale is a great everyday beer, after one taste, not requiring us to look any further, particularly north.
5.0% ABV, 16 IBU
Vertigo, a Hefeweizen,
German Style
Vertigo is a condition when the world gets a bit cloudy, fuzzy if only for a little while... just like a Hefeweizen. tasting notes: Vanilla, Banana-Clove notes, yellow in color, cloudy in complexion, smooth and light in body. Great Spring/Summer flavor.
5.4% ABV,12 IBU
Buxom Blonde,
Belgian Blonde
A buxom-blonde named Abby, Healthy Attractive, Vigiours, Zaftig, Full Figured, Curvaceous, ample bodied... all those things. This Belgian Abby style is well proportioned, soft, and beautiful like the name suggests, not like those anorexic types;). Nice fruity tones, to compliment this beers body, and healthily hoped and well proportioned.
5.5% ABV, 30 IBU
Stodgy Brown,
German Alt
Stodgy is old-fashioned unduly formal and traditional, robust in food. So-old its seen again with fresh eyes as new again. This German beer style is much older and traditional than even Lagers. What all beers must have tasted like before modern times. Its character is a hybrid of ale, lagers a pleasant match of the best of both styles. Great Everyday brown Alt, like so many from the Ruhr valley. Hopped aggressively like a pale ale, brown in color.
5.2% ABV, 38 IBU
Belgian Copper Ale
Latin for 'Great work'. It is also an alchemical method in the creation of the Philosopher's stone, or the ultimate wisdom. This beer is inspired by the great beers of Belgium, in particular the Trappist beers. Our goal was to create a beer in this spirit in our quest for wisdom. This well proportioned Belgian is pleasant and fruity, Copper to Brown in color and mildly hopped.
5.4% ABV, 23 IBU